Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tiết 37, Unit 6: The young pioneers club (Lesson 5: Language focus)


1. Educational aim: The teacher teaches the students to be careful, active and studious.

2. Teaching aim: After the lesson, the students will be able to: 

-  practice present tense with the future meaning by asking and answering the questions about Y & Y spring activity program.

- practice asking for a favor and offer assistance and respond to them by completing the dialogues using the expressions in the box.

- practice gerunds used after some verbs: love, like, hate, enjoy …

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tiết 37, Unit 6: The young pioneers club (Lesson 5: Language focus)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tiết 37, Unit 6: The young pioneers club (Lesson 5: Language focus)
Week: 12	 Date of preparing: 02/ 11/ 2018 Period: 37 Date of teaching: 08/ 11/ 2018 
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: The teacher teaches the students to be careful, active and studious.
2. Teaching aim: After the lesson, the students will be able to: 
- practice present tense with the future meaning by asking and answering the questions about Y & Y spring activity program.
- practice asking for a favor and offer assistance and respond to them by completing the dialogues using the expressions in the box.
- practice gerunds used after some verbs: love, like, hate, enjoy 
II. Preparations: text book, sub – board, handout. 
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities 
Students’ activities
1. Warm up:
* Task 1: Matching 
- Have sts match the activitties given with each correct picture. 
A/ Have big gathering to support
cultural – sport programs
B/ Help street children
C/ Plant and water trees along streets
D/ Colle...e 2 / P61 
* Task 1: - Raise some questions:
- Ex: 
+ Do you like playing soccer?
+ What do you like doing in your free time?
+ What do you love doing after school?
- Write on the board:
Eg: - Hoa likes reading.
 -> Ving (gerund as object)
- Smoking is bad for your health.
 -> Ving (gerund as subject)
Use: can do object or subject in the sentence.
+ to talk about preference -> What verbs do we use, what kind of verb follow these verbs: love / like / enjoy / hate + V-ing ( Gerund) 
- Ask sts to make some sentences with gerunds.
- Get feedback.
* Task 2: - Ask students to work in pairs and talk about Ba and Lan’s hobbies. 
A. Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up.
B. Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either.
- Get feedback.
* Task 3: - Ask students to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions, tick on the chart.
Do you like
love like don’t like hate
Love like don’tlike hate
- playing soccer
- washing up
- cokking meals
- performing music
- gardening
- gathering
broken glasses
- watching TV
- camping
- playing badminton
* Task 4: - Have the sts look at the table and talk about their partner’s hobbies.
- Call on other sts to give comments about your friend’s speech.
- Give feedback.
2.3 Exercise 3 / P61, 62: 
* Task 1: - Have the ss retell all the expressions about asking for favors and offering asssistance and then responding. 
* Task 2: - Ask students to work in pairs to do exercise 3a (page 61 – 62). They have to use the expressions in the box (to ask for a favor) to fill in blanks in the dialogues.
- Get students to practice speaking in pairs
- Get feedback.
* Task 3: - Ask students to work in pairs to do exercise 3b (page 62). They have to use the expressions in the box (to ask for a favor) to complete the dialogues.
- Get students to practice speaking in pairs
- Get feedback.
* Task 4: - Have the ss work in pairs to make their own dialogue then roleplay...y start at 7 am and finish 10 am.
- Listen and answer 
* Possible answers:
" Yes/ No,
" I like reading.
" I love listening to music.
- Look at the board and take notes.
- Speak loudly before the class.
Eg: + They love playing soccer.
+ She hates washing up. 
- Work in pairs: Look at the table 2.a on page 61 and talk about Ba and Lan’s hobbies. 
- Ask and answer the questions with your partner.
S1: Do you like playing soccer?
S2: No. I hate it. What about you?
S1: Yes. I love playing soccer.
- Talk about their partner’s hobbies.
- Give comments about your friend’s speech.
- Retell all the expressions about asking for favors and offering assistance and then responding.
- Pairwork: - Complete the dialogues.
A. Can you buy a ticket for me?
B. Can you take me across the road?
C. Could you help me with this math problem?
D. Can you water the flowers in the garden?
- Pairwork: - Complete the dialogues.
A. Can I 
A. Do you need 
B. me help you 
A. very kind 
- Make their own dialogues then roleplay.
- Work in groups: discuss and write the answers on the board.
1. playing
2. getting
3. have
4. carry
5. give
6. does – begin
- Work in groups: discuss and write the answers on the board.
1. to camp -> camping
2. wash -> washing
3. fixing -> fix 
4. is opening -> open
5. helping -> help
6. finish -> finishes
- Listen and take notes

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tiet_37_unit_6_the_young_pioneers_cl.doc