Tài liệu dạy học Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 7: Cultural diversity (Reading)

II.  Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

The Wedding Ring

      At weddings in many parts of the world, brides and grooms give one another wedding rings. These rings remind them of the commitment they made to one another when they got married. They are also a sign to others that they are married.

      No one knows for sure how this tradition started, but there is evidence that it began long ago, in ancient Egypt. Coins at that time had a hole in the center. An Egyptian groom used to place a coin on his bride’s finger to show that he would take care of her.

      In many ancient cultures, the circle is a symbol of eternity. The wedding ring has come to symbolize endless love and commitment.

      Wedding rings have almost always been worn on the fourth ring, but the hand it is worn on depends on where you live. In some cultures, people wear their rings on the left hand, and in others, they wear them on the right.

1.   Rings are traditionally given                    .

      A. only in Egypt         B. during weddings    C. just to brides           D. before weddings 

2.   Ancient Egyptian grooms gave their brides                     .

      A. money to buy a ring                                   B. money shaped like a ring

      C. a ring for every finger                                D. coins to get a wedding ring

3.   A wedding ring is a symbol of                 .

      A. a circle                    B. eternity                   C. love without end    D. decision

4.   Most people wear their wedding rings                 .

      A. on both hands                                             B. on the fourth finger

      C. only on the left hand                                  D. only on the right hand

5.   The word “eternity” in the third paragraph is closet in meaning to                     . 

      A. after death                                                  B. period of time

      C. happening too often                                   D. time with no end

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Tài liệu dạy học Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 7: Cultural diversity (Reading)

Tài liệu dạy học Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 7: Cultural diversity (Reading)
I.	Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Why are horseshoes believed to be lucky?
	In 1700, Henri Misson, a Frenchman visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors. They said that it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil. Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at the wedding. The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.
horseshoe (n) = móng ngựa; nail (v) = đóng đinh
evil (n) = tai ương, tai hoạ; witch (n) = mụ phù thuỷ
	T	F
1.	French villagers nailed horseshoes all around their houses.	o	o
2.	The horseshoe was to keep witches away.	o	o
3.	The strength of the horse was thought to protect from evil.	o	o
4.	People don’t believe the horseshoe brings good luck any mo...e suits or conservative skirt outfits. But in the 1990s, that started to change.
	It began with “casual Fridays”. During the summer, some companies invited their employees to “dress down”, or wear more casual clothes to work on Fridays. The policy quickly became popular with employees. After this, it didn’t take long for employees to start dressing more casually every day of the week.
	Many employees welcomed the new dress policy and the more comfortable work environment that came with it. Etiquette had definitely changed, and suits and ties were rarely seen in many offices. Some employees went as far as wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers to the office. Many people felt that casual clothes made the workplace a friendlier place. Co-workers were more relaxed with each other. People enjoyed coming to work knowing it was a comfortable place to be.
	Then some people began to change their minds about casual dress at work. Many managers felt that casual dress had led to casual attitudes toward work. Some people started to notice an increase in employees being late for work. If “clothes make the man”, as the saying goes, then casual clothes make a casual person become less committed to company productivity and quality.
	One of the biggest reasons why there have been such mixed opinions about dressing down is that there is no real standard for appropriate casual dress. Is it shorts, T-shirts, brightly coloured tops, and flip-flops? Is it designer jeans, polo shirts, and trendy sneakers? Is it khakis and sport jackets? Or are Hawaiian shirts and torn jeans OK? Without casual dress code policy, the etiquette for dress in many companies is beginning to change back to more formal business attire - a style that everyone understands.
1.	Thirty years ago or so, people working in offices in the United States, Canada, and Europe 	.
	A. didn’t know what to wear to work in an office
	B. changed their clothes in the 1990s
	C. tended to wear in a more formal way
	D. wore the...’ve always thought was too hard for you will be easy. If you’ve already left school, think about going back to your studies - you won’t regret it!
There will be some money worries today. Check what you’re spending. You may need to spend some extra money on travel, but if you buy something for a loved one, they may not thank you for it!
Which sign
1.	may have family problems?	
2.	will have a good day at school?	
3.	may need more money than usual?	
4.	will have more things to do than usual?	
5.	may get very angry?	
V.	Read the text, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), or false (F).
Basic Characteristics of Americans and American Culture
Americans come in all colors, have all types of religions, and speak many languages from all over the world
Americans believe in freedom of choice.
Americans need a lot of “elbow room”: they like personal space around them
Americans are extremely informal and call most people by their first name or nickname.
Asking “How are you?” is a simple greeting and is not a question about your health.
Americans smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sometimes sharing personal stories.
Americans don’t push or stand too close to anyone in line. They always wait their turn.
When the service is good at a restaurant, tipping is expected to be 15-20% of the total bill.
When you meet Americans, be sure to look them in the eye, smile, and shake hands.
Americans open presents and cards in front of people.
It is considered rude to ask direct questions about a person’s religion, age, money, salary, weight or clothing size.
Americans are extremely punctual, always on time and never late.
Some Americans hug a lot. It is okay for women and men to hug even if they aren’t close friends.
It is normal for American women to have male friends who are just friends.
American men try to share equally with their wives in parenting and housework.
Americans love pets and having a dog or cat in the household is commo

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