Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 12: Music (Language Focus)


I. Pronunciation: /s/ - /z/

II. Grammar:

1. to-infinitive


1.I listen to classical music to relax.

2.He saved money to buy a new bike.

* to-infinitive can be used to explain the purpose of the action.

* in order to/so as to + V-bare infinitive = to-infinitive

= in order that + S + V

= so that + S + V

Eg. He got up early in order to have time to pack.

      She worked harder so as to achieve more.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 12: Music (Language Focus)

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 12: Music (Language Focus)
Unit 12: MUSIC 
Language Focus 
I. Pronunciation: /s/ - /z/ 
II. Grammar: 
Pronunciation: /s/ - /z/ 
Put the following words in correct columns 
s ip	 s pecies 	ea s y 	plea se 	dan ce 
book s	 	mu s eum	flower s 	increa se 	bu s 
Pronunciation: /s/ - /z/ 
Put the following words in correct columns 
s ip	 s pecies 	ea s y 	plea se 	dan ce 
book s	 	mu s eum	flower s 	increa se 	bu s 
s ip 
s pecies 
dan ce 
book s 
increa se 
bu s 
ea s y 
plea se 
mu s eum 
flower s 
Pronunciation: /s/ - /z/ 
- /s/: S ue, s ip, pie ce , s aid, bu s , pri ce ,  
- /z/: z oo, z ip, pea s , plea se , bu zz , pri ze ,  
* Notes: 
/s/: a voiceless sound (-ce) 
/z/: a voiced sound (-z , -zz, - ze) 
-s/es endings 
 /iz/: ge, ce, se/ss, z, sh, ch, x 
 /s/: p, th*, k, f, t, gh* 
/z/: the rest 
/s/: increa se , decrea se , promi se , hou se ,  
/z/: plea se , u se , rai se , compri se , confu se ,  
-se endings 
...ouse in this town . 
Where does his teacher live? 
2. They are studying Geography at the moment. 
What are they studying at the moment? 
3. Trinh Cong Son is her favorite musician. 
 Who is her favorite musician? 
2. Wh-questions 
Exercise 3 : Ask questions for the underlined words/ phrases in the following sentences 
If it rains, I’ll stay at home and watch TV . 
2. My father enjoys listening to classical music . 
3. He left for Ho Chi Minh City last week . 
4. James wants to talk to you. 
5. We spent the evening playing chess last night. 
6. The film starts at 8:00 p.m . 
7. My favorite musician is Beethoven. 
8. I like pop music because it helps me relax. 
What will you do if it rains? 
What kind of music does your father enjoy listening to? 
When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh City? 
Who wants to talk to me? 
How did you spend evening last night? 
What time does the film start? 
Who is your favorite musician? 
Why do you like pop music? 
Exercise 1 , page 130 

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_10_unit_12_music_language_focus.ppt