Phiếu bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Thí điểm) - Unit 8: Tourism


    Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with a, an, the or zero article (ϴ)

  1. There isn’t          airport  near where I live. _   nearest airport is 70 miles away.
    1. An – A            b. an – The    c. the – A d. the - The
  2. David is           sailor. He spends most of his life at   sea.
    1. ϴ - a                ba - ϴ     c. a – a         d. a- the
  3.    “Paul, where is       _ Spanish  dictionary? I’m writing  essay in Spanish and I need it.”
    1. A– an          b. ϴ- the          c. the – an           d. ϴ -ϴ
  4.                  Titanic,          British steamer, sank in the North Atlantic after hitting  an iceberg.
    1. A – the            b. ϴ - a    c. The – the   d. The- a
  5.              changed a lot in the last 30 years.
    1. Life has  b. A life has                 c. The life has      d. Liveshave

Exercise2:     Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Travel and tourism are very important to millions of people over the world. In  every country you  can find people that work in travel and tourism. Some countries need  the money from tourism to help their people survive. It is necessary for these places that travel and tourism continue to expand and bring money to their regions.

However, travel and tourism have negative aspects. Planes, buses, boats and other means of transportation that carry travellers and tourists cause pollution. Moreover, some people do things on a holiday they would never think of doing at home. For example,  many traveller use a lot of water and electricity when they stay in hotels. They forget to  turn off the lights or even leave televisions and air conditioning units on when they leave the room. On top of that, it is often difficult or impossible for travellers to  recycle items, so they end up leaving large amounts of waste behind. That’s why it is important for  people to travel wisely and respect the places they visit.

There are ways you  can travel and be environmentally friendly. Here are some tips to help you:

Don’t throw rubbish on streets, beaches or in the countryside.

Don’t use too much water or electricity.

Taste the local and national dishes of the country.

Buy local products or souvenirs.

Don’t buy any products made from endangered species; sea turtle shells or bags made from reptiles or other animals.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Phiếu bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Thí điểm) - Unit 8: Tourism

Phiếu bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Thí điểm) - Unit 8: Tourism
Unit 8 : Tourism
Skills 1 + Skills 2
Vocabulary( từ vựng)
(to) air = to broadcast (v) : phát sóng
to feature : mô tả, miêu tả nét nổi bật
magnificent (adj) = very good and beautiful tráng lệ, nguy nga, lộng lẫy.
Magnificence (n) vẻ tráng lệ, nguy nga, lộng lẫy
(to) erode (v) xói mòn
To access = to be able to enter a place: vào được, tiếp cận được
Widespread (adj) : rộng khắp
Drawback (n) sự hạn chế
Phrase ( cụm từ)
Thanks to + N ..nhờ có
(to) be come an important factor/ part in. trở thành một phân quan trọng trong..
to contribute ( greatly) to.. đóng góp quan trọng cho
diverse fields: những lĩnh vực đa dạng
another positive aspect of một khía cạnh tích cực khác của.
to help promote: giúp thúc đẩy
A paragraph consists of three parts :
 A topic sentence( mở bài)
idea 2
idea 1
idea 3
A concluding sentence( kết bài)
Remember to use connectors to link ideas!...h water or electricity.
Taste the local and national dishes of the country.
Buy local products or souvenirs.
Don’t buy any products made from endangered species; sea turtle shells or bags made from reptiles or other animals.
6.	Why is tourism important to some countries?
7.	How does tourism affect the environment?
8.	What do many people use a lot when staying in hotels?
9.	Why do some tourists end up leaving large amounts of waste behind?
10.	What shouldn’t you do to be environmentally friendly? Mention two ideas.
Exercise 3: Writing a paragraph about another negative effect of tourism on an area/ coutry

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