Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 12 - Năm học 2019- 2020

III. Comparative

1. The streets are getting more and_______________________ these days. 

          A. crowded                     B. less crowded              C. more crowded             D. most crowded 

2. The larger the apartment, the_______________________ the rent. 

          A. expensive                  B. expensively                C. more expensive           D. most expensive 

3. She plays the piano___________________ as she sings. 

          A. as beautiful                B. as beautifully             C. more beautifully        D. the most beautifully

4. The faster we walk,_________________ we will get there. 

          A. the soonest                B. the sooner                  C. the soon  D.the more soon 

5. "Why did you buy these oranges?" "They were        I could find." 

          A. cheapest                     B. cheapest ones            C. the cheapest ones      D. the most cheapest 

6. The larger the city,__________________ the crime rate. 

          A. highest                       B. the highest                 C. higher   D.the higher 

7.___________________ the three friends of yours, I think Alan has the best personality. 

          A. Of                               B. For                              C. With                            D. By 

IV. Phrasal Vebs 

1. Failure to win the championship will _______________ in the dismissal of the coach. 

          A. result                          B. happen                       C. affect                          D. cause 

2. He tried to_____________ to everyone to support him. 

          A. make                          B. appeal                        C. persuade                    D. advise 

3. He his life .............to helping the poor. 

          A. spent                          B. experienced               C. dedicated                   D. used 

4. She got angry when they started to____________________ her private life.

          A. ask for                       B. enquire after              C. ask about D.enquire with 

5. Gertrude takes _______________ her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too. 

          A. in                                B. up                               C. after                            D. down 

6. It took him a long time to ..........._______________ the death of his wife. 

          A. take away                  B. get over  C. take off   D.get through 

7. Did Mr. Tan _______________ the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? 

          A. take away                  B. take over                    C. take up                       D. take off 

8. Paula applied for the post but she was_______________________ .

          A. turned down              B. checked out               C. kept under                 D. pushed ahead 

9. Why do they__________________ talking about money all the time? 

          A. keep on                      B. side with                    C. take after                    D.work off 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 12 - Năm học 2019- 2020

Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 12 - Năm học 2019- 2020
HỌC KÌ II – NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020
I. Theory
4. Comparison
So sánh bằng ( positive form)
So sánh hơn (comparative form)
So sánh kép (double comparatives)
II. Exercise:
I. Choose the best option that best completes each sentence:
1. He is not______________ tall as his father.
 A. the	 	B. as	 	C. than 	D. more
2. John’s grades are_____________than his sister’s.
 A. higher	B. more high	C. more higher	D. the highest
3. Deana is the_______________ of the three sisters.
 A. most short	B. shorter 	C. shortest	 	D. more short
4. She speaks English as_____________ as her friend does.
 A. good 	B. well 	C. better 	D. the best
5. Of the three shirts, this one is the_____________ .
 A. prettier	B. most prettiest	C. prettiest 	D. most p... cause 
2. He tried to	to everyone to support him. 
	A. make 	B. appeal 	C. persuade 	D. advise 
3. He	his life .............to helping the poor. 
	A. spent 	B. experienced 	C. dedicated 	D. used 
4. She got angry when they started to	her private life.
	A. ask for 	B. enquire after 	C. ask about D.enquire with 
5. Gertrude takes 	her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too. 
	A. in 	B. up 	C. after 	D. down 
6. It took him a long time to ...........	the death of his wife. 
	A. take away 	B. get over C. take off D.get through 
7. Did Mr. Tan 	the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? 
	A. take away 	B. take over	C. take up 	D. take off 
8. Paula applied for the post but she was	. 
	A. turned down 	B. checked out 	C. kept under 	D. pushed ahead 
9. Why do they	talking about money all the time? 
	A. keep on 	B. side with 	C. take after 	D.work off 
V. Adverbial clauses of time :
1. They were playing in the garden when	. 
	A. they have heard a scream 	B. they were hearing a scream 
	C. they heard a scream 	D. they had heard a scream 
2. He cleaned his shoes........ 	they shone. 
	A. when 	B. after 	C. while 	D. until 
3. When the paint	it'll change from a light to a deep red. 
	A. dry 	B. dries 	C. dried 	D. will dry 
4. When	older I'd love to be an artist. 
	A. I'm 	B. I'll be 	C. was D.have been 
5. By the time he retires, he....	$20,000. 
	A. will save 	B. has saved 	C. had saved 	D.will have saved 
6. When I	here for fifteen years I'll be entitled to a pension. 
	A. work 	B. am working 	C. have worked 	D. had worked 
7. I'll have to buy a map	I don't know the area. 
	A. when 	B. while 	C. as 	D. until 
8. 	the scientists have made a significant breakthrough in cancer research. 
	A. Lately 	B. Late 	C. Later 	D. Latter 
9. Don't put these glasses into very hot water .........	they'll crack. 
	A. and 	B. if 	C. or 	D. so 
VI.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.(1p)
...d d. do
15. She failed to gain..to the university of her choice.	
 a. permission b. admission c. permit d. allowance
16. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
 a. happen b. encounter c. arrive d. clean
17. If I .. a pole, I would go fishing.
 a. get b. got c. getting d. gotten
18. I wouldn’t have gone there at night if I . him there.
 a. know b. knew c. had known d. knowing
19. Rosemary Dave is a wildlife photographer. She  animals for 20 years.
	A. photographs	 B. had been photograph C. has been photographing D. photograph
20. Which of these non-verbal forms of communication is considered impolite ? 	
	 	 A. pointing at someone B.raising hand	 C. jumping up and down 	 D. waving
21. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.
	A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred C. did he prefer 	 D. if he prefers
22. She told the boys _______ on the grass. 
	A. do not play 	 B. did not play 	 C. not playing 	 D. not to play
23. Doctors are supposed to _______ responsibility for human life.
 A. do 	 B. take 	C. rush 	 D. join
24. The students _______ by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they _______ by Mr. Tanzer.
 	A. are usually taught / are being taught B. usually teach / are teaching
	C. have usually been taught / have been teaching D. were usually teaching / are teaching
25. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
	A. came into 	B. went leisurely 	 C. went quickly 	 D. dropped by
Alex is busy _______ for his exams.
	A. to study 	B. studied 	 C . studying 	 D. studies
27._______ a doctor, you have to meet some certain requirements of the medical college.
 	A. To become 	B. Become 	C. Becoming 	D. Became
28._______ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _______ it three days ago
	A. Have you ever seen / saw 	B. Did you ever see / have seen
	C. Had you ever seen / would see 	D. Will you ever see / saw
29. .What _______ when the fire alarm _______ off?
	A. are you doing / will go 	B. have you done / would g

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