Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 11 - Năm học 2020- 2021

11. You'll find plenty of books on the ____ of business studies in the library. 

A. lesson                     B. subject                    C. curriculum                          D. schedule

11. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ____.

A. scholar                    B. scholastic                C. scholarship                         D. scholarly

12. My dad said that I'd better spend more time on my ____.

A. student                   B. studied                    C. studious                              D. studies

13. He has got a degree ____ Information Technology from Oxford University. 

A. in                            B. for                           C. on                           D. of

14. I don't really ____ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it. 

A. annoy                     B. have                        C. see                          D. take

15. If you're not sure what “something” means, look it ____ in the dictionary. 

A. for                          B. out                          C. at                            D. up

16. Mrs Dawson said that we are ____ our lesson in the library next Monday. 

A. going                      B. having                     C. making                   D. reading

17. My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in ____ minds about it. 

A. different                 B. my                          C. some                       D. two 

18. Yesterday, we had a discussion ____ different cultures. 

A. about                      B. around                    C. for                           D. from 

19. I still have a lot ____ about the English language.

A. for learning            B. of learning              C. learning                  D. to learn 

20. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ____ with her classmates. 

A. on                           B. off                           C. down                      D. up 

21. We usually do go by train, even though the car ____ is a lot quicker.

A. travel                      B. trip                          C. voyage                    D. journey

22. The area near the palace gates was ____ with tourists. 

A. full                          B. crowded                 C. flooded                   D. covered

23. From the top of the cathedral tower there are some spectacular ____ of the surrounding countryside. 

A. sights                      B. sites                        C. views                      D. scenery 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 11 - Năm học 2020- 2021

Đề cương ôn tập Học kì II Tiếng Anh 11 - Năm học 2020- 2021
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 
1. A. genius 	B. gorilla	C. global	D. gases 
2. A. pollution 	B. poaching 	C. physical 	D. pesticide 
3. A. warming 	B. warn	C. walk	D. wasn't 
4. A. floor 	B. flood	C. moorland 	D. door 
5. A. increase 	B. release	C. please	D. grease 
6. A. degree 	B. doctorate 	C. graduate 	D. kindergarten
7. A. bachelor 	B. chapter 	C. chemistry 	D. teacher
8. A. culture 	B. student	C. institution 	D. university
9. A. appreciate 	B. psychology 	C. programme	D. respectively 
10. A. academic 	B. apply	C. apology	D. achieve 
11. A. scholar 	B. technique	C. archaeology 	D. achievement
12.A. ancient 	B. concern	C. associate 	D. special 
13. A. itinerary	B. abundant 	C. elegance 	D. landscape
...take 	B. retake	C. uptake	D. discharge 
2. Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation.
A. afforestation 	B. reforestation 	C. logging 	D. lawn mowing 
3. In the past, a lot of countries denied having contributed to global warming. 
A. agreed 	B. refuted	C. approved 	D. avoided 
4. Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.
A. be partly responsible for 	B. disapprove 	C. neglect	D. cause 
5. We must admit that people are heavily polluting the environment. 
A. decline 	B. rebut	C. deny	D. accept 
6. In the polluted environment, infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to another. 
A. fatal 	B. safe	C. contagious 	D. immune 
7. Global warming has severe impact on water supplies.
A. very good 	B. very bad 	C. normal	D. long-lasting
8. Global warming occurs when the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the heat from the sun. 
A. catch 	B. discharge 	C. dispose 	D. release 
9. Such unhygienic conditions encourage the spread of diseases. 
A. decline 	B. stability	C. decrease 	D. increase 
10. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the ecological balance in the world. 
A. sureties 	B. certainties 	C. dangers 	D. safety 
11. You'll find plenty of books on the ____ of business studies in the library. 
A. lesson	B. subject 	C. curriculum	D. schedule
11. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ____.
A. scholar 	B. scholastic 	C. scholarship 	D. scholarly
12. My dad said that I'd better spend more time on my ____.
A. student 	B. studied 	C. studious 	D. studies
13. He has got a degree ____ Information Technology from Oxford University. 
A. in 	B. for	C. on 	D. of
14. I don't really ____ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it. 
A. annoy 	B. have	C. see 	D. take
15. If you're not sure what “something” means, look it ____ in the dictionary. 
A. for	B. out	C. at	D. up
16. Mrs Dawson said that we are ____ our lesson in the library next Monday. 
A. going...hest quality of life. 
A. environment	B. environmental 	C. environmentally	D. environmentalist 
31. ____ waste is putting city dweller's health at a real risk.
A. Treatment 	B. Untreated 	C. Non-treatment 	D. Non-treated 
32. Every month, scientists invent new gadgets and ____ to help us with our daily lives, and discover ways to make existing technology faster and better. 
A. experiments 	B. effects	C. laboratories 	D. equipment 
33. Unlike the country where the day often ends quite early in the evening, the city offers its people exciting ____.
A. activities 	B. performances 	C. nightlife 	D. night clubs 
34. The roads are terrible. I'm always getting ____ in traffic. 
A. stuck 	B. lost	C. exhausted 	D. late 
35. A pedestrian ____ is a specified place on the road where people can cross.
A. crossroads 	B. crossing 	C. junction 	D. T-junction 
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 
1. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming.
A. Shrinking 	B. Declining 	C. Decreasing 	D. Increasing 
2. We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 
A. emit 	B. take in	C. consume 	D . cut off 
3. Releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can lead to global warming.
A. result in 	B. result from 	C. cause	D. activate
4. If you want to get a high mark on a test, review the material carefully beforehand. 
A. performance 	B. score	C. figure	D. note 
5. Some students only cram for tests when there is little time left, so their results are not satisfactory. 
A. prepare in a short period 	B. prepare in a long time 
C. prepare well	D. prepare badly 
6. My application for the scholarship has been turned down because the transcript of marks is not satisfactory enough. 
A. cancelled 	B. postponed 	C. reduced	D. rejected 
7. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demo

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